Do Braces Hurt?

Living with braces

If you are about to get braces, you are probably curious about what they feel like, and possibly worried that braces hurt. If those questions are on your mind, good for you. Knowing what you are getting into makes the process a lot easier. We hope this blog clip answers your questions and help you feel as comfortable as possible on your first day with braces.

Will my braces hurt after they get put on?

You won’t feel any pain during the procedure, but your teeth and gums will probably be a little sore afterwards. The pain can last for up to a week, but it is very rarely hard to deal with. Most patients comment that it is annoying more than painful.

What can I do to ease the pain?

If you are really struggling to ease the pain after you get your braces put on, or simply looking to take your mind off it, there are a couple of things you can try:

  • Try to only eat soft foods during the first few days. You can try things like mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, applesauce, and scrambled eggs.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and aspirin can help, just be sure never to exceed the dosage listed on the bottle.
  • Your dentist will give you orthodontic wax that you can use whenever you feel uncomfortable. Just squeeze the wax between your fingers and apply it to the brackets that are rubbing the inside of your mouth.
  • Don’t drink beverages like orange or tomato juice that have a lot of acid.
  • If you develop mouth sores, don’t touch them with your tongue or finger. You can help relieve the irritation by swishing a cup of water mixed with ½ tsp of salt in your mouth, or using an oral anesthetic like Orajel.

When will I get used to my braces?

Probably within a month. And after six months, you probably won’t notice that they are there at all. During that time, you might experience mild amounts of pain randomly. This is completely normal. The pain will go away quickly and should not be cause for alarm. If necessary, take an over-the-counter pain reliever.


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