Teen Orthodontics – Waterbury, CT

Teen Orthodontics

There’s nothing like being confident behind your smile! Our office will work with you to find appointments that work around your busy life.

There’s nothing like being confident behind your smile!

As a teen, life is busy and there’s a lot to fit into your schedule. If you are considering orthodontic treatment, our office will work with you to find appointments that work around your busy life. Investing in your smile not only boosts your confidence, but boosts your oral health. Straight teeth are easier to floss, brush and keep clean which can help you avoid cavities and tooth decay. There are many benefits to an improved smile, and we’re here to help you make it happen.

Traditional Braces

More advanced than ever before, traditional braces are a great way to straighten your smile. Traditional braces have stood the test of time and offer guaranteed results, usually within 18-30 months. If you and your teen choose traditional braces, appointments will be scheduled every 4-6 weeks.

Your child will have the choice of which band color they would like for their braces and this color can be switched out at every visit. We have several orthodontists on our team with many appointment times to fit around your schedule. The end result of the orthodontic treatment will be a more confident smile that can be maintained for years to come! If you are interested in traditional braces for your teen, we’re here to help.

Ceramic Clear Braces

If you are interested in a more discreet way to straighten your teens teeth, we recommend ceramic clear braces! Working the same way as traditional braces, ceramic clear braces use ceramic in place of metal to provide a straightening option that won’t bring any extra attention to the teeth as the color naturally blends in with the tooth structure.

Invisalign® Teen Aligners

Invisalign Teen aligners are a great way to straighten your smile without metal brackets or braces. More comfortable than traditional braces, Invisalign is made for those who require less straightening and delivers quick, effective results. One of the main benefits of clear aligners is that they can be removed for brushing, flossing and eating. Invisalign Teen aligners should be worn a minimum of 22 hours every day. There are small colored indicators on the aligners, so parents can keep track to see if their child is using them properly.

Invisalign® Teen Aligners

Office visits will be scheduled every 6 weeks to ensure the straightening process is staying on track. We also offer a free consultation to help you find out if your teen is a candidate for Invisalign Teen aligners. If you are interested in Invisalign teen aligners, CT, call our office today!

Call today to schedule a free consultation! Get all of your questions answered and let us help you find a treatment plan that works with your schedule and your budget.

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