Who Are You?

When meeting someone for the first time, it is natural for our unconscious minds to judge people based on various factors like their – clothing, speech, attitude, or posture. But have you ever thought about what your smile say about you? For many reasons, a scientist has been studying the human facial expression. Our smiles tell others quite a bit about us before we even speak even with the fact that we might not realize it.

The frequency with which we smile and how our smiles look can reveal some pretty crazy things about us; and if you want to know more about what your smile can say about you. Read on…

1. Your dominance

The appearance of your smile can easily sense your potential for dominance. According to the founder of Actualize Dental Clinics Justin Causier, he said “individuals with “fanged” canine teeth could be perceived as more dominant in social situations.” Researchers also prove that smile can at the same time indicate a person is less dominant, hostile or aggressive in certain situations.

2. Your desire for perfection

Especially in America, there is no doubt that there is a strong desire to brighten and whiten our smiles as much as humanly possible. We all know how awful it is to endure the horrible taste and burning sensation of a whitening strip. Experts say Americans sees white teeth as a status symbol. We often associate the shade of someone’s teeth with their level of attractiveness.

3. A Smile Makes You Look Successful

A past president of the American College of Prosthodontists Lily T. Garcia says “a smile conveys confidence and professionalism.” People who are generally more open and flexible ate those who project a positive outlook. They tend to cope better with challenges than people who are withdrawn and unsmiling.

4. How powerful are you?

Smiles aren’t just about happiness, but smile also shows a sign of your social status. Researchers also show that people of high standard smiled when they felt happy when they are interacting with others of equal power.

On the other hand, people with less social power than those they are interacting with smiled regardless of their own emotions. The findings suggest that people with less power are obligated to smile to ingratiate themselves while those with high power have the privilege of smiling when they please.

5. How good of a fighter are you?

The link between smiles and power is something that can’t be explained. The fact that smiles may inadvertently signal that a person is less dominant makes fighting a dominance power.

There is a saying by an unknown author that sums it up: “Life is like a mirror. We get the best results when we smile at it.”


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